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Translation Case Studies

Read about our latest translation projects and see how we deliver fast, accurate, and high-quality language solutions. Explore how we empower businesses worldwide with expert translations tailored to their unique needs.

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Satisfied Clients Worldwide

Providing Consistent Website Translation Support for Law Firms

September 12, 2023

How do we help law firms with their website translation needs?We ensure precision in legal terminologies and brand messages, expanding outreach and trust.

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Maintaining Compliance with California Education Code through Translation

September 06, 2023

Discover how California law firms ensure compliance with the state's educational code. Tomedes provides legal translations to safeguard marginalized students.

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Tomedes Protects Global R&D and Operations with Comprehensive Legal Translation

August 29, 2023

Tomedes offers expert translation for technical and legal niches. We bridge global language barriers and ensure that your operation is safeguarded.

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Translation Support For Refugees and Immigrant Communities’ Legal Needs

August 22, 2023

Through institutional support, refugees/immigrants are allowed to better integrate. Tomedes bridges communication gaps with these stakeholders.

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Squaring Things Out: Helping Our Partner’s Clients by Providing Financial Legal Translations

August 15, 2023

Explore the complexities of cross-border legal financial processes. Benefit from the expertise, technology, and a successful partnership.

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Tomedes and Our Partnerting Law Firm: Helping Families Around the World with the Adoption Process

August 15, 2023

Explore the considerations of intercountry adoptions in the U.S. and what role law practitioners take on it. Learn how Tomedes aids in legal translations for adoption firms.

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Keeping Customers ’Appy: How Tomedes Supported an App Developer to Keep Users Happy in 41 Countries

August 11, 2023

Tomedes recently positioned a client’s employee engagement platform for international success by translating the app into 41 languages.

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Tomedes Delivers the Solution for a Company’s Global Recruitment

August 01, 2023

Discover how Tomedes enabled a global financial and insurance association to broaden its talent pool with professional and accurate English to Hindi HR translations.

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Spicing Up Success: How Tomedes’ Expert Spanish Translations Cooked Up a New Clientele for a Restaurant Chain

July 25, 2023

Learn how Tomedes’ precise Spanish translations for a range of documents opened doors for a beloved restaurant chain and engaged a whole new community of food lovers.

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Tomedes Provides Translations in the Medical Field for Non-Native Stakeholders

July 20, 2023

Tomedes helps a leading healthcare network provide exceptional services to a diverse patient community thanks to its translation solutions in Chinese, Arabic, and Spanish.

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