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English to Chinese medical translation

A new client contacted Tomedes and asked to use our Chinese translation service for a set of medical documents that he could carry with him in China.

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Professional Chinese Translation

March 28, 2018

Feeling unwell in any circumstances can be miserable. When it happens during the trip of a lifetime – and you don’t speak the local language – it can be a frightening experience as well. 

A recent Tomedes client was not inclined to be taken unawares while on the holiday of his dreams. He was planning to tour China’s largest cities. He had an underlying health condition that recurred from time to time. While he felt perfectly well, he wasn’t leaving anything to chance. As such, he contacted Tomedes and asked to use our Chinese translation service for a set of medical documents that he could carry with him in China, just in case. At best, he would have peace of mind. At worst, he would have the documents he needed – in the right language – to share with local healthcare professionals. 

Our leading Chinese medical translator, based in Beijing, was available to take on the job. Her extensive medical translation experience and linguistic talent meant that she made quick work of the client’s documents, translating them with finesse and accuracy. 

The client was not only pleased with the timeliness and quality of his Chinese-language documents, but also with the translation price, which represented excellent value for money. By using our professional translation services, he ensured that he had the arrangements he needed in place to travel overseas with confidence. 

This is just one of the ways in which Tomedes works with individuals and business clients in order to support them to achieve their goals. We have built up a network of more than 5,000 language professionals around the world in order to deliver first rate services, while our innovative business model ensures a fair translation cost. 

If you have a translation need, you can speak to our helpful team by phone, email or live chat. We look forward to hearing from you. 

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