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English to Farsi business translation

A recent Tomedes client needed help translating his business documents from English to Farsi.

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Professional Business Translation

February 21, 2018

Doing business internationally can throw up many challenges, not least of which relates to the language(s) in which that business is conducted. Many of our clients find that they are able to conduct business verbally overseas, with sufficient linguistic skills to hold their own in meetings and over the phone, but that when it comes to written documents, they require professional support. That’s where Tomedes can help. 

In a recent example, a Tomedes client needed help translating his business documents from English to Farsi. Also known as Western Persian, Farsi is spoken mainly in Iran, as well as by minority populations in Iraq and the Persian Gulf states. Our client spoke Farsi well and had been negotiating a business deal with an Iranian company. However, his written language skills were not proficient enough to produce professional business documents. As such, he used our Farsi translation service in order to deliver appropriately written, professional documents that he was proud to put his name to. 

Our Farsi translator’s business translation experience positioned her perfectly to undertake this project. We always seek to match our translators’ experience to the work at hand in this way, as we find that this makes for more accurate translations. 

The client had found Tomedes by searching online for a Farsi translation company. The instant quote tool on our website had enabled him to check the price of his translation before committing to using us, so he knew from the outset that he was getting great value for money. Coupled with the outstanding quality of our translation, this ensured that he was swiftly added to the ranks of happy Tomedes customers. 

Tomedes covers a wide range of language pairings and translation services. Whatever you need, speak to our professional and friendly team today. We will be delighted to help meet your translation needs. 

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