Why Precision in Legal Translations Is Crucial for Court Success

September 4, 2024
Why Precision in Legal Translations Is Crucial for Court Success

The stakes have never been higher when it comes to legal proceedings that cross international borders. As a professional navigating these complex waters, understanding the pivotal role of translation accuracy can significantly influence your court's success.

A poorly translated legal document can be questioned in court. This shows why every word counts and accurate translations are essential. Today, we'll discuss improving your legal document translations using insights from Tomedes' vendor managers, who recruit the best-certified translators for all their projects.

The stakes of accuracy in legal translation

When it comes to legal documents, there's almost no room for translation errors. A single mistranslated term can change the outcome of a case, leading to financial loss, damage to reputation, or even legal repercussions. 

For instance, imagine a contract dispute where the term "termination clause" is mistranslated as "break clause." Such an error could change the enforceability of the clause, potentially costing a business millions in unforeseen liabilities. For many legal translation professionals, accuracy isn't just about avoiding errors. It's about ensuring justice is served by conveying the true intent of every legal document presented in court. 

Whether it's a merger agreement or witness testimony, the precision of your translations can make or break your legal strategy. 

How would I make sure my translation quality meets these high stakes? The key lies in a combination of expert translators and stringent review processes.

Read more: Developing a Glossary for Legal Translation

Expertise and certification of legal translation professionals

Not everyone who speaks a second language can translate legal documents. It requires a specific skill set.

Here, Jerica Fernes, the Head of Human Resources & Vendor Management in Tomedes, assists project managers in selecting the appropriate certified legal translators for their assigned legal documents.  

When I interviewed Fernes about the distinction between certified legal translators and average translators, she highlighted a key difference.

Certified legal translators receive specialized education and training that equips them to understand both the nuances of language and the intricacies of legal jargon specific to their country.

I asked her how legal system differences impact legal translation accuracy, especially since certified translators play a pivotal role. She explained that because laws and legal systems differ widely between jurisdictions, these variations create challenges in translating legal terminology, concepts, and syntax while preserving the original meaning of documents.

"These differences can complicate legal translation, making certified translators essential for effectively addressing these issues. Their expertise guarantees that translations are accurate, legally sound, and appropriate for the specific legal context," Jerica said.

For this reason, it's crucial that Tomedes work with certified legal translators to ensure that translations are not only accurate but also compliant with legal standards in both the source and target jurisdictions.

Technology’s role in enhancing translation accuracy

While human expertise forms the backbone of legal translation, technology like AI legal translation tools plays a supportive role. These tools use advanced algorithms to ensure consistency and help manage large volumes of documents, which is especially useful in complex cases involving multiple countries.

However, AI should be seen as an aid, not a replacement. The best results are achieved when technology complements human expertise, providing a first pass that human translators review and refine. This hybrid approach can significantly reduce the turnaround time without compromising on the translation accuracy required in legal settings.

Read more: How Machine Translation Transcends International Boundaries in the Legal Industry

Overcoming cultural and legal barriers

Legal systems around the world vary greatly in language, practices, and principles, presenting significant challenges for legal translators. They must accurately preserve the original intent of documents while adapting them to fit the legal and cultural norms of the target jurisdiction. 

This is crucial because legal language and concepts are deeply influenced by local culture. For example, the U.S. concept of "fair use" in copyright law has no direct equivalent in many legal systems. Accurately translating such terms is essential to prevent serious legal issues, such as contract disputes or wrongful convictions, which can undermine justice.

Legal principles and their global interpretations

Legal principles vary significantly across jurisdictions, complicating the translation of court and government documents. For instance, common law systems in the U.S. and U.K. depend on judicial precedents, while civil law systems in France and Germany are based on codified statutes. 

Translators must understand these differences to ensure translations are both linguistically precise and legally accurate. For example, the term "duty of care" may carry different meanings in different systems—interpreted through case law in common law areas and defined by statutes in civil law regions. Translators need to bridge these gaps to maintain the document’s legal integrity across jurisdictions.

Navigating legal traditions and religious influences

In some countries, legal systems are influenced by religious traditions, adding another layer of complexity to the translation process. For instance, in Islamic law (Sharia), certain financial practices, such as charging interest (Riba), are prohibited. Translating financial contracts or legal agreements into or out of a Sharia-compliant system requires a deep understanding of how these religious principles influence legal practices. 

Failing to account for such cultural and legal nuances can result in a translation that is not only inaccurate but also non-compliant with local laws. This could potentially lead to legal disputes or invalidation of the document.

Best practices for overcoming cultural and legal barriers

To effectively overcome cultural and legal barriers in translation, legal professionals should adopt the following best practices. These recommendations come from experienced vendor managers we interviewed, as follows:

  1. Engage Native Legal Experts: Working with legal professionals who are native to the target country ensures that translations are both culturally appropriate and legally accurate. These experts can provide insights into local legal practices that may not be immediately apparent to foreign translators.

  2. Conduct Comprehensive Research: Understanding the legal systems and cultural contexts of both the source and target countries is crucial. This involves not only studying the legal codes but also staying informed about recent legal developments and trends that could impact the translation.

  3. Use Comparative Legal Analysis: When translating legal documents, it’s beneficial to conduct a comparative analysis of the relevant legal systems. This approach helps identify potential conflicts or discrepancies between the source and target systems, allowing the translator to address them proactively.

  4. Implement Feedback Loops: Establishing a feedback loop between translators, legal experts, and clients can help ensure that the final translation meets all necessary legal and cultural requirements. This iterative process allows for continuous refinement and improvement of the translation quality.

  5. Prioritize Contextual Accuracy: Beyond literal translation, prioritize the accurate conveyance of the legal context. This might involve providing footnotes or explanatory notes where necessary to clarify culturally specific legal concepts.

How to handle errors identified in vendor deliverables

When handling errors in vendor deliverables, it is essential to approach the issue constructively. One of the other Vendor Managers of Tomedes that we had the pleasure of interviewing was Jocelyn Pangilinan- Dealagdon, who assisted the team in sourcing vendors that specialize in niche language pairs for legal projects.

I asked her how she communicated errors or unclear segments in the translated document to the vendor. Jocelyn stated that she starts by clearly documenting the errors and providing specific examples to ensure the vendor understands the concerns. It's important to communicate these issues promptly and politely, emphasizing collaboration rather than blame.

"Set up a meeting to discuss the findings and potential solutions. It’s helpful to agree on a timeline for corrections and consider additional support or training if the errors are recurring," Jocelyn explained.

She continued, "Monitoring subsequent deliverables for improvements is crucial to ensure that corrective measures are effective, thereby maintaining a productive and quality-driven relationship with your vendor."

When I asked about common errors in vendor submissions, she noted that inaccuracies in translating legal terms, misunderstandings of legal concepts, and failures to capture the original document's tone and style were frequent issues that necessitated returning the work to the vendor for correction.

Read more: 7 Common Pain Points in Legal Translation and How to Address Them

Regulatory compliance and translation

In international litigation or contract enforcement, ensuring regulatory compliance through accurate translations is critical. Each jurisdiction may have specific requirements for how documents need to be prepared and presented. Failure to adhere to these can result in a document—and thereby a case—being dismissed.

For example, consider a scenario where a pharmaceutical company needs to present clinical trial documents in a foreign court. If these documents are not translated in accordance with local regulations, the court may not accept them, which could delay or derail the approval of a new drug.


Precision in legal translation is not just about translating words from one language to another; it's about ensuring that your legal documents do what they are supposed to do in every legal context. This means upholding their meaning, their legality, and their ability to protect or defend. It's about protecting your rights and ensuring justice across borders.

As you move forward with your international legal endeavors, remember that the success of your cases might just hinge on the clarity and accuracy of your translations. Ensure the accuracy and compliance of your legal documents with Tomedes' expert translation services. Contact Tomedes today to elevate the precision and reliability of your legal translations, safeguarding your international legal endeavors.

By Clarriza Heruela

Clarriza Mae Heruela graduated from the University of the Philippines Mindanao with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English, majoring in Creative Writing. Her experience from growing up in a multilingually diverse household has influenced her career and writing style. She is still exploring her writing path and is always on the lookout for interesting topics that pique her interest.



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