How Nonprofits Cut Costs with Interpretation Solutions

September 4, 2024
How Nonprofits Cut Costs with Interpretation Solutions

Effective communication is important for nonprofits, especially those operating in multilingual and multicultural contexts. Nonprofits need access to reliable interpretation to bridge language barriers, whether they are engaging with diverse communities, conducting international conferences, or managing global partnerships.

Today, you will discover how your organization can implement interpretation solutions on a budget.

The importance of cost-effective interpretation solutions

It is crucial for NGOs to find ways to cut down on interpretation costs without affecting the quality of communication if they want to keep doing their work effectively. This balance is vital to keep the operations credible and effective. Cost-effective interpretation solutions enable NGOs to:

  • Redirect funds: Savings from reduced interpretation costs can be redirected toward mission-critical activities, such as program delivery, outreach, and capacity building.

  • Boost operational efficiency: Lowering overhead costs lets NGOs operate more efficiently, so they can spend more of their budget directly on programs and services.

  • Expand reach: Cost savings can enable NGOs to reach more communities, regions, or countries, increasing their overall impact.

  • Maintain quality: Affordable yet high-quality interpretation solutions ensure that NGOs can keep communicating effectively with their stakeholders, partners, and beneficiaries, upholding their mission and reputation.

The challenges faced by nonprofits

It can be really expensive for nonprofits to hire traditional interpreters, especially in-person and on-site ones. These costs include not only the interpreter's fees but also expenses related to travel, accommodation, and logistical arrangements. For organizations, managing these high interpretation rates has been a significant financial burden.

Additionally, nonprofits often need specialized interpretation tailored to specific industries, such as finance, legal, or humanitarian sectors. This specialization can further drive up interpretation costs, as industry-specific interpreters usually charge more. For instance, interpreting financial reports or legal documents necessitates a higher level of expertise, raising the overall cost of interpretation.

Innovative interpretation solutions and best practices 

Your organization can significantly cut costs while maintaining high-quality interpretation by using new and creative interpretation solutions and following best practices that are right for you. By leveraging modern technologies and flexible approaches, you can optimize your interpretation, freeing up valuable resources for their most important work.

Over-the-phone interpretation

Over-the-phone interpretation (OPI) is a great way to save money without sacrificing quality. By using professional interpreters remotely, NGOs can get what they need without spending on travel, accommodation, and logistics. We recommend this solution for ongoing or frequent needs where you need immediate and reliable interpretation without high costs.

Zoom language interpretation

Zoom language interpretation lets nonprofits hold virtual conferences and meetings with simultaneous interpretation. Based on our experience, this approach is not only more affordable than traditional in-person interpretation but also provides greater flexibility and accessibility. It also cuts costs related to physical event spaces and the travel and accommodation expenses for interpreters. Additionally, it makes it easier to engage with stakeholders across different regions because it allows participation from a global audience.

Flexible interpretation schedules

Here at Tomedes, we schedule interpreters in a staggered way to help cut costs during long sessions without affecting the quality of interpretation. If nonprofits plan their interpreter schedules right, they can make sure they always have coverage without going over budget. This method is great for long conferences or events where you need to keep interpreting, but you don't have a lot of resources.

Nonprofit interpretation rates

At Tomedes, we always ensure that the needs and resources of the NGOs are taken into account during interpretation. We are open to negotiating with organizations to ensure that they can access high-quality interpretation within their budget. By securing nonprofit rates, your organization can continue to uphold their communication standards while staying financially sustainable. This approach helps you maintain quality without the high costs typically associated with professional interpretation.

Optimization of interpretation for cost and quality

NGOs should carefully assess their specific communication needs and choose the interpretation that has the best balance between cost and quality. For everyday or less complex communications, we recommend using OPI or Zoom interpretation as they cut costs without sacrificing quality. It is important to regularly review and adjust the interpretation strategy to make sure your organization is getting the best possible balance of cost-effectiveness and quality.

Creation of flexible solutions

We discovered that flexibility is the key to keeping costs down. You can use a hybrid approach that combines in-person interpretation for critical moments with remote services like OPI or Zoom for broader engagements. This lets you scale your services up or down depending on demand. It also means you can respond quickly to changing needs. Evaluating these services regularly helps maintain cost-efficiency and ensures that your organization's interpretation needs are consistently met.

By combining these new solutions and the best practices, NGOs can cut down on the costs of interpretation while still maintaining the high standards needed for successful communication across languages and cultures. This strategic approach not only saves resources but also helps the organization fulfill its mission and extend its impact on the communities it serves.

How Tomedes helped NGOs cut costs

Tomedes has been a leader in helping nonprofits navigate this challenge by offering tailored, cost-effective interpretation solutions. To illustrate how these strategies work in practice, let’s explore how Tomedes has assisted NGOs in cutting costs without compromising service quality.

Using virtual interpretation platforms for an NGO's legal conference 

Virtual platforms like Zoom are a great way for nonprofits to cut costs. Tomedes has been a huge help to nonprofits making the switch to these platforms. They provide the technical set-up and expert interpreters needed to make sure everything runs smoothly. 

We helped the Green Advocates (pseudonym), a top climate advocacy NGO, put together a hybrid legal conference that needed interpretation for participants from different countries. By using Zoom for language interpretation, and arranging meetings to discuss their needs and desired schedule, the organization was able to cut costs on things like travel and accommodation for interpreters. They still delivered accurate and timely translations to a global audience. The organization saved money, which they then redirected toward other mission-critical activities. This approach also showed that virtual platforms could maintain high service quality, even with reduced costs.

Utilizing over-the-phone French interpretation at nonprofit rates to sustain international partnerships

Phone interpretation is another affordable option, especially for ongoing or regular needs. Tomedes has helped NGOs save money while still getting clear communication through reliable over-the-phone interpretation.

We helped A.L.A Organization (pseudonym), an NGO that provides legal aid to underserved communities, by making French legal interpretation available over the phone. Meetings were scheduled to discuss the needs of the organization, along with the nonprofit rates. With this, they were able to keep in touch with their international partners without spending a fortune on in-person interpretation. Additionally, the organization was able to keep its global partners on board and keep communication flowing smoothly within a budget. 

Implementing hybrid interpretation models and flexible schedules to expand a Japanese NGO’s reach

Tomedes has helped NGOs adopt hybrid models that combine the best of both worlds—using in-person interpretation for critical moments and virtual or over-the-phone services for less critical interactions. This approach is great for keeping costs down while still getting a high-quality service. Additionally, flexible schedules assist in keeping the interpretation running smoothly. 

We provided A. C. Organization (pseudonym), an NGO promoting cross-cultural understanding, with Japanese simultaneous interpretation for their international conference. They used a hybrid model, with support from us, to balance cost and service quality effectively. They used in-person interpreters for key meetings and virtual platforms for broader engagements, which helped them reach more people without breaking the bank. The schedule also helped the organization to maintain the quality of the long sessions. This flexible approach allowed them to engage a wider audience while keeping interpretation costs down.


Nonprofits have to figure out how to communicate effectively in multiple languages while working with limited budgets. New ways of providing interpretation, like over-the-phone, Zoom language interpretation, and other practices, help cut down on overall costs.  These cost-effective methods help nonprofits improve their communication strategies, reach more audiences, and use resources more efficiently without compromising on quality.

Here at Tomedes, we help nonprofits overcome financial constraints related to interpretation. By using flexible and cost-effective solutions that fit specific needs, organizations can maintain effective communication across multiple languages, ensuring their missions are effectively conveyed to diverse audiences worldwide. Partner with us now to reach more markets and expand your audience around the globe.

By Elah Sarelle Perez

Elah Sarelle Perez graduated from De La Salle Lipa with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration, majoring in Marketing Management. She is a volunteer at a UK-based project on art and creativity, adding to her multilingual experience. Her passion for languages, globalization, and communication encompasses her ideals and values. Currently, she is trying out new things and ideas to discover her career path.



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