How to back up your data securely – IT tips for freelance translators
How to back up your data securely – IT tips for freelance translators

CATEGORY / Languages


Professional business translation service Tomedes provides tips for freelance translators on how to ensure their translation data stays secure

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How to be a more efficient freelancer
Tomedes / Professional Translation

CATEGORY / Languages


Professional translation agency Tomedes provides advice and guidance on how to boost your translation career by being a more efficient freelancer

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Why becoming a successful translator is about more than linguistic ability
Why becoming a successful translator is about more than linguistic ability

CATEGORY / Languages


Professional translation agency Tomedes explores what it takes to translate successfully, from business translation to personal documents.

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Are freelancers swapping future security for lifestyle benefits?
Tomedes / Professional Translation

CATEGORY / Languages


Tomedes looks at the current shape of the freelance translation industry, along with the pros and cons of working freelance.

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Essential freelance customer service skills for winning and keeping more clients
Tomedes / Professional Translation

CATEGORY / Languages


Professional translation agency Tomedes considers the essential customer service skills provided by successful freelance translation experts

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Five marketing hacks to do today to improve your freelance career
Tomedes / Marketing Translation

CATEGORY / Languages


Professional translation company Tomedes looks at five ways that freelance translators can improve their marketing

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Top 2018 translation trends
Tomedes / Translation Trends

CATEGORY / Languages


Professional translation agency Tomedes looks at top translation trends for 2018, flagging up the future of professional translation

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Latest political translation fail hits the headlines
Tomedes / Professional Translation

CATEGORY / Languages


Professional translation agency Tomedes reviews the latest happenings in the global translation industry

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Top 2017 Christmas books for translators
Tomedes / Professional Translation

CATEGORY / Languages


Translation agency Tomedes lists five cracking Christmas reads for the professional translation community

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Five essential IT tips for freelance translators
Tomedes / Professional Translation

CATEGORY / Languages


Professional translation service Tomedes shares IT tips for freelance translators. there's never been a more important time to learn!

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