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Company Brochure Translation

A client asked Tomedes to translate a staff guide on how to use certain types of office equipment and what the processes were in relation to these

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English to Hungarian business guide translation

September 30, 2015

Modern businesses often need to translate their documents into one or more languages. They may wish to sell products overseas or have staff based in different countries. Whatever the reason they need fast and accurate professional translation, undertaken by translators with an understanding of the business environment. 

This is precisely what Tomedes is able to provide. We ensure that our translators’ skills are matched to the jobs they are undertaking. For example, a client recently asked us to translate a business guide from English to Hungarian. With staff working in both countries, it was important for the client’s company to ensure that procedures were standardized. 

The client asked Tomedes to translate a guide for its staff on how to use certain types of office equipment and what the processes were in relation to these. We consulted our global database of freelance translators and found the perfect person – a native Hungarian translator with extensive experience of the corporate environment. 

We always use native translators in the target language if possible, as our experience has shown that this is one of the ways in which we can ensure high quality translations for our clients. For the same reason, we never rely on computerized translation – it is not yet good enough to meet our standards and to provide our clients with the quality that they expect. 

In this instance, our translator was able to get to work immediately and within a week he had completed the translation of the guide and we had presented it to the client. The client was delighted with the quality and plans to send several further documents to Tomedes to translate. 

If you have business translation needs then email us or use our live chat service for an instant quote. Whichever languages you need, we are here to help.

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