Why Accuracy Should Be Your Top Priority in Interpretation

September 16, 2024
Why Accuracy Should Be Your Top Priority in Interpretation

Clear communication is key to building and maintaining professional relationships. That's why more and more companies are turning to interpretation to get around language barriers. 

For industries like legal, healthcare, and business, interpreting is about more than just translating words. It's about making sure that ideas, emotions, and facts are shared accurately and effectively. Given how important it is, organizations need companies that prioritize accuracy to help them make informed decisions, stick to the rules, and build trust with international partners

To deepen our understanding of how to ensure an accurate interpretation, we spoke with two key experts from Tomedes: Emilyn Sinamban, the Global Customer Success Manager, and Paula Taneo, the Senior Project Manager. With their history of providing excellent customer service, Sinamban and Taneo gave us the lowdown on the strategies and best practices that help Tomedes attain accuracy.

Why accuracy matters

Accuracy is vital for organizations, particularly when navigating legal requirements, conducting international business negotiations, or managing patient care. A single misinterpretation can lead to misunderstandings, compliance issues, legal disputes, and even reputational harm.

When I asked Sinamban why accuracy is important, she expressed how getting your message across right is really important for making the right decisions, sticking to the rules, and keeping your professional relationships on track. Taneo explained how accuracy is the key to credible communication. She mentioned how it is important in building trust with clients, partners and consumers.

“Businesses and organizations should prioritize accuracy in interpretation services to avoid miscommunication, which can lead to misunderstandings, legal issues, or reputational harm. Additionally, delivering accurate interpretation fosters client trust and retention, contributing to long-term success alongside excellent customer service," she said. 

This accuracy is important in every industry, so organizations must choose a company that emphasizes accurate interpretation services.

Read more: Avoiding Interpretation Errors

Tomedes' quality control measures for ensuring accuracy

Recognizing the immense value of accuracy, I asked about the measures that we implement to maintain high standards in interpretation. Sinamban and Taneo identified these measures which are designed to meet the specific needs and requirements of organizations and ensure that they receive reliable support.

Rigorous screening of interpreters

Tomedes takes a very thorough approach to selecting interpreters. Sinamban explained how we make sure they have the right skills by doing thorough checks on them. This approach makes sure they not only have the language skills, but also the contextual understanding needed for different sectors, like legal, medical, or business.

Continuous training and adherence to industry standards

Sinamban explained how Tomedes makes sure the interpreters keep up with the latest industry standards through ongoing training programs. Their commitment goes beyond simply selecting qualified ones; they actively invest in continuous learning and skill enhancement. Through ongoing training programs, she emphasized how we are always up to date with the latest industry standards and best practices.

"Tomedes implements quality control measures such as rigorous screening of interpreters, continuous training, and adherence to industry standards. We conduct regular performance evaluations for all our interpreters and use various feedback mechanisms to ensure interpreters maintain a high level of accuracy," Sinamban said. 

This dedication to ongoing professional development means that we are always ready to handle the changing complexities of language and cultural nuances.

Read more: FAQ: Translators and Interpreters

Collecting feedback from clients and interpreters

Tomedes knows how valuable feedback can be for making things better and improving quality. The company understands that interpreting is not a one-size-fits-all service; each project has its own unique requirements and challenges. To address this, Taneo noted that we actively seek input from all parties involved and use it as a means to refine and improve its processes.

"We implement thorough quality control measures by utilizing professional interpreters who are native speakers and gathering feedback from both interpreters and clients after the service to improve the process," she said.

This way, we can make sure the interpretation meets the client's specific needs and also help improve the service for future projects. By including feedback in our quality control process, we keep improving to match client expectations.

Pre-event communication and post-event debriefing

Taneo said that before any event, it's important to make sure everyone's on the same page. She explained that clear communication with both parties before the process helps prevent potential issues during the event. By setting expectations and understanding the event's context, Tomedes makes sure that interpreters are fully prepared to deliver accurate and relevant interpretations.

In addition to pre-event communication, we conduct a post-event debriefing to evaluate the success of the session. This debriefing process allows for a detailed evaluation of the performance and provides an opportunity for both the client and the interpreter to provide feedback. By analyzing these insights, we are able to identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement, further enhancing our services.

Overall, the two key experts I interviewed emphasized that Tomedes' commitment to quality control is reflected in its comprehensive approach to ensuring accuracy. From rigorous screening and ongoing training to active feedback gathering and post-event debriefing, our measures are designed to meet the unique needs of clients while maintaining high standards. This commitment to excellence solidifies us as a trusted partner for organizations seeking reliability and accuracy.

How Tomedes utilizes technology to support accurate interpretation

I asked the two experts what cutting-edge technology our company uses to make sure our quality control is top-notch. They enumerated some tools that are perfect for modern businesses that need to get things done fast, accurately, and securely.

Advanced software and real-time technologies

Tomedes uses the latest and greatest tools, like advanced interpretation software and real-time technology, to make processes more efficient. We use these tools to streamline our processes, minimize the risk of errors, and ensure seamless communication.

 "Tomedes has a number of technological ways to support interpreters through tools like advanced softwares, secure communication platforms, and real-time interpretation technologies. Through these tools, processes are streamlined therefore resulting in reduction of risk of errors. This way, Tomedes ensures its accuracy and reliability with whatever services it provides," Sinamban emphasized.

For instance, our platforms let you make changes in real time, so interpreters can keep the message intact, even in high-pressure situations.

Terminology management systems

Taneo noted the use of terminology management systems, to make sure that the interpretations are all consistent. She explained that these systems give interpreters a hand in making sure they're delivering accurate and consistent services, especially in complex or highly technical settings. By keeping track of specialized terminology, we make sure that there's less chance of misinterpretation, especially in fields like healthcare and legal services where being precise is really important.

Secure communication platforms

Taneo emphasized that confidentiality and security are just as important as accuracy to Tomedes. In sensitive environments such as legal, medical or corporate, clients need to know that their information is being handled with the utmost care. To address these concerns, we use platforms to ensure that every interaction remains both efficient and private.

"Collaboration tools, and secure communication channels ensure efficient, reliable, and confidential interpretation for clients," she stated 

This technology not only helps interpreters do their work, but it also lets our clients know that their sensitive information is protected.

Read more: Interpreter's Code of Ethics

The organizational benefits of prioritizing accuracy 

Prioritizing accuracy offers many benefits to organizations such as investing in accuracy, mitigating risks, avoiding misunderstandings, and ensuring compliance with industry regulations. Accuracy also plays a critical role in building and maintaining professional relationships, fostering trust between organizations and their clients, partners, and audiences.

When organizations choose a provider like Tomedes that prioritizes accuracy, they can focus on their core business, knowing that their communication needs are in capable hands. As Sinamban pointed out, accurate communication is critical for decision-making and compliance. Taneo added that providing accurate interpretation fosters client trust and retention which drives long-term success.


Accuracy is not just a preference - it is a necessity for organizations operating in diverse and multilingual environments. Tomedes combines rigorous quality control measures and technological support to ensure that we meet the highest standards of accuracy. By prioritizing accuracy, organizations can build trust, improve decision-making, and protect their reputation.

Ready to improve your communications with accurate interpretation? Contact us here at Tomedes today to experience interpretation that truly bridges the language gap.

By Elah Sarelle Perez

Elah Sarelle Perez graduated from De La Salle Lipa with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration, majoring in Marketing Management. She is a volunteer at a UK-based project on art and creativity, adding to her multilingual experience. Her passion for languages, globalization, and communication encompasses her ideals and values. Currently, she is trying out new things and ideas to discover her career path.



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