Take a sit! Participating in Translation conferences is one of the best ways to keep learning new things about the translation profession and network with fellow translators. Problem is, there are so many conferences out there that sometimes it gets hard to keep track. That's where we come in! This page displays a chronological list of translation events. We promise to keep updating it with any new event we hear about, and you can also help by filling out the form below.
Title: 2014 IMIA Conference
Dates: January 16th-19th
Location: Royal Sonesta Hotel Houston, Houston, Texas, USA
Description: 2014 International Medical Interpreters Conference. Theme: Medical Interpreter Education: The Gateway to the Future!
Website: http://www.imiaweb.org/conferences/2014conference.asp
Title: Second Durham Postgraduate Colloquium
Dates: January 31st
Location: Room CLC202, Calman Learning Centre, Durham University, Stockton Road, Durham, UK
Description: “Theoretical Frameworks and Methodologies: Research in Translation Studies”. Main speaker : Nike K. Pokorn, ‘Methods to study Socialist translations’, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Website: https://www.dur.ac.uk/mlac/postgraduate/transstuds/
Title: ITA 2014 International Conference
Dates: February 10th-12th
Location: Sharon Beach Resort Hotel, Herzliya, Israel
Description: Program includes workshops such as SDL-Trados for Beginners, MemoQ for Beginners, Expert marketing: how to position yourself as a specialist, The language of the Law, Editing Scientific Academic Texts (TBC) and more
Website: http://www.ita.org.il/uploaded/PDFs/2014_Conf_Program_v6.pdf
Title: Localization World
Dates: February 24th-26th
Location: Millennium Hilton Bangkok Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand
Description: Theme: Localization in a Shifting Global Economy
Website: https://locworld.com/
Title: International Conference on Audiovisual Translation
Dates: March 20th-21st
Location: Lviv, Ukraine
Description: Translation and cinema: multiplicity of perspectives, points of contact
Website: https://sites.google.com/site/translationandcinema/
Title: GALA 2014
Dates: March 23rd-26th
Location: Istanbul, Turkey
Description: Various sessions such as Interpreting + Translation + Technology: The New Language Services Paradigm, Risks and Rewards When Localizing into Rare and Emerging Languages, Localization for Central Asia: Are You Ready?, When LSPs Think Creatively, Innovation Follows, Proving the ROI of Machine Translation, Bringing Cloud Translation Technology to the Turkish Market,Transparency and Trust in Translation Technology and many more...
Website: https://www.gala-global.org/
Title: The Translation and Localization Conference 2014
Dates: March 28th-29th
Location: Warsaw, Poland
Description: 1) Technical Communication: Normalization, authoring, implications for the translation industry 2) Big Data vs. Translation Industry: CAT tools, machine translation, cloud computing, project management 3) The Human Factor: Recruitment, training, processes
Website: http://www.translation-conference.com/
Title: Canadian association for translation studies - 27th Annual Conference
Dates: May 26th-28th
Location: Brock University,St. Catharines, Ontario
Description: Open Sessions
Website: http://www.act-cats.ca/English/Congress/annual_congress.htm
Title: The First International Conference on Food and Culture in Translation
Dates: May 22nd-24th
Location: Bertinoro (Forlì) Italy
Description: Organized by the Department of Interpreting and Translation (DIT) of the University of Bologna - a forum for discussion in a relatively neglected field of research: the translation of food language and culture.
Website: http://fact.sitlec.unibo.it/
Title: Translation and Comparative Cultural Studies: East and West in Dialogue
Dates: May 7th-8th
Location: Institute for Modern Languages Research, University of London
Description: a keynote conference to bring together Asian, Arabic and Western scholars in the area of translation and comparative literary and cultural studies, with the aim of facilitating and accelerating dialogue between ‘Western’ and ‘Eastern’ traditions.
Website: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/ctccs/events/conferences-and-public-lectures/conference-in-may-2014.aspx
Title: IJET-25 - The International Japanese-English Translation Conference
Dates: June 21st-22nd
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Description: over 50 sessions, panel discussions and workshops
Website: http://ijet.jat.org/site/index25
Title: XXth FIT World Congress
Dates: August 4th-6th
Location: Berlin, Germany
Description: Trade fair, talks, panel discussions and workshops with the theme of "Man vs. Machine? The Future of Translators, Interpreters and Terminologists"
Website: http://www.fit2014.org/
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