Asian Languages
Illustration - Vietnamese woman

CATEGORY / Languages


What do you know about Asian languages? Click to discover the languages of Asia.

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Pidgin Languages: The Evolution and Examples of a Pidgin Language
Illustration - pidgin speaker

CATEGORY / Languages


What is a pidgin language and where are pidgins spoken? Click to find out.

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Creole Languages
Illustration - creole languages

CATEGORY / Languages


What are creole languages and where are they spoken? Click to find out.

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German Speaking Countries
Image Courtesy of Ling Ltd.

CATEGORY / Languages


Where are the world's German speaking countries? Which have German as an official language? Click to find out.

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Spanish Speaking Countries
Illustration - Spanish speaker

CATEGORY / Languages


Which countries speak Spanish? Find out in this article.

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Portuguese Speaking Countries and Varieties of the Portuguese Language
Illustration - Lisbon tram

CATEGORY / Languages


Where is Portuguese spoken? Click to find out!

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French Speaking Countries and Varieties of the French Language
Illustration - French language course

CATEGORY / Languages


There are big variations in the versions of French spoken around the world. Let's take a look at some of them.

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Language Proficiency Test
Illustration - examination

CATEGORY / Languages


Do you need to take a language proficiency test? Click here to find out what's involved and how to prepare

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Simultaneous Interpretation – How it Works
Simultaneous Interpretation

CATEGORY / Languages


Do you need a simultaneous interpreter or to discover more about how simultaneous interpretation works? Either way, this article provides you with eve

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Challenges of the US Presidential Debates for Transcriptionists and Interpreters

CATEGORY / Languages


The US presidential and vice presidential debates are creating challenges for the language industry.

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