This common language is spoken by 7.5M people, and you don't know it

CATEGORY / Languages


Learn the importance of practicing Catalan alongside Spanish when visiting Barcelona. Don't miss out on fully immersing yourself in the local culture.

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5 Fascinating Animal Language Facts

CATEGORY / Languages


Here we look at five fascinating animal language facts guaranteed to give you a different perspective on language and its use.

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CATEGORY / Languages


For professional translators, words without translation can pose a tricky problem but they can also provide examples of the beauty of language.

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Are All Translators Entrepreneurs?

CATEGORY / Languages


Translators and entrepreneurs share similar traits, including self-motivation and a clear vision for success. Learn more about the parallels between the two.

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Freelance? Outsourcing can simplify your life, dramatically

CATEGORY / Languages


Freelance translators have control over their work schedule, but as their workload grows, time management becomes a challenge. Learn how to balance tasks effectively.

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How Translators Help to Preserve Dying Languages (and 4 lost battles)

CATEGORY / Languages


Discover how translators are vital in preserving endangered languages worldwide. Witness the evolution of languages and the importance of linguistic diversity.

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10 of the FUNNIEST English words, 'Gift' is one.

CATEGORY / Languages


Discover the top ten most amusing English words that can produce smirks to outright laughter among non-native English speakers.

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Top 5 Translator Productivity Killers You Are Failing to Avoid

CATEGORY / Languages


Explore the challenges of procrastination and productivity killers for freelance professionals. Discover effective strategies to overcome these hurdles.

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10 Extraordinary Lessons Every Translator Should Learn from DR. Seuss

CATEGORY / Languages


Dr Seuss' quotes aren't just for the young. Here we present ten of his most inspiring quotes that, if kept in mind, will help to make you a better translator.

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The Secret to How Certain Languages Sound Faster

CATEGORY / Languages


Are some languages actually spoken faster than others, or do they just sound that way to those who don't understand them?

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