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Professional website translation from Tomedes

Recently, Tomedes worked with a client who needed her website translated from US English to Thai.

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US English to Thai website translation

September 23, 2018

Our translators here at Tomedes work with clients all over the world. We translate everything for birth certificates and identity documents to marketing videos and websites. Most recently, we worked with a client who needed her website translated from US English to Thai.

The client was in a hurry to undertake the translation work, so chose to use our urgent translation service, in order to obtain the Thai version of her website as swiftly as possible. 

The website was a simple, brochure-style site with several pages and a regularly updated blog. The client wanted the blog posts to be translated along with the rest of the content, which of course posed no problem. With a view to getting the Thai version of the site live as possible, the remit was to translate the website’s main pages and ten most recent blog posts first, then translate the remaining blog posts as the second stage of the project.

With the plan in place, our professional Thai translator got straight to work. A highly experienced translation professional, her work is fast and accurate, so ideally suited to this client’s need for a fast turnaround time. In fact, the translator exceeded expectations and translated the website pages and first ten blog posts before even the urgent translation deadline. 

The client was delighted and immediately published the Thai version of her website. She has since added the older blog posts to the site, as the second phase of the project. 

Our flexible approach and excellent value for money were very much appreciated by this client – another happy customer! If you would like to join the ranks of happy translation customers, simply send us your translation requirements by email and we’ll get to work. You can also use the instant quote section on our website to find out the indicative cost of your translation right away. We look forward to working with you. 

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