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Resume Translation services

A client needed her CV translated from Lithuanian to English urgently to keep up with the pace of the jobs market.

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Urgent Lithuanian to English CV translation

December 16, 2015

The swift pace at which the job market moves can mean that CV translation is often required as an urgent service by Tomedes’ clients. This was precisely the case for a recent client who needed her CV translated from Lithuanian to English

The client had accompanied her partner to the UK, after he had been offered a place at a university there. She needed to find employment quickly in order that the two of them could settle into their new life in England. 

The client spoke English very well, which was ideal for the telemarketing roles that she wanted to apply for. However, her written language skills were not sufficient to enable her CV to present her in the best light. 

Tomedes was pleased to be able to assist. We have a huge network of translators spread around the globe and cover all manner of language pairings. For this job, we approached our best Lithuanian translator, who had previously produced top quality translations of CVs and resumes for a number of Tomedes’ clients. 

The translator was available to start work immediately, given the urgent nature of the client’s request – there was a perfect telemarketing position with a closing deadline in three days’ time that she was desperate to apply for. 

Less than 48 hours later, we sent the client the English version of her CV, which she was able to use to apply for the job. The CV got the client the opportunity she needed to interview for the role, which was precisely what she had needed Tomedes to do. 

Tomedes can assist with everything from CV translation and other personal document translation to a whole range of business document translation. Full details of our services are listed on our website. You can also ask the Tomedes team for more information and we will be delighted to speak to you about how we can help. Please use the email, phone or webchat details on our website to get in touch. 

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