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Legal Translation Serivces

Turkish translation requests are more common than most people realize. Our Turkish translators are busy with new translation projects every week

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Turkish to English Translation of Promissory Note

May 17, 2013


Turkish translation requests are more common than most people realize.  At Tomedes, our Turkish translators keep very busy with new translation projects on a weekly basis.

Our most recent Turkish translation request was the translation of a Promissory Note for a personal loan. The Promissory Note was a simple two page document between two private parties and it needed to be translated from Turkish into English. 

Because this was a fairly simple translation project, we used just one Turkish translator to complete the job and another one to proofread everything to make sure the legal jargon was translated correctly. The entire translation process took less than one business day and our client was satisfied with the end result.

Legal Document Translation

Promissory notes are just one of the legal documents that regularly pass through our translators desks. The Tomedes translators are also experienced in translating prenuptial agreements, divorce decrees, HR paperwork, business contracts and a variety of other legal documents. Our translators can do translations in dozens of languages, even some which are uncommon. For legal documents, it’s important to use a translation company that’s experienced and trusted to avoid legal problems or loopholes in your documents down the road. 


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