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Swiss German Translation

Tomedes provides translation to and from Swiss German for various needs such as medical translation, legal translation, and technical translation. Our Swiss German translators have the language and industry experience required to deliver accurate and reliable translations. Please find below examples of the projects we have worked on over the years.

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Swiss German To English Translation

May 12, 2014

Last Updated on December 16, 2022

As the world’s population becomes more dynamic and individuals move overseas more frequently, translations such as the Swiss German to English translation undertaken by Tomedes last week are often required in order to facilitate individuals’ smooth transition from one country to another. 

Translation From Swiss German To English For Medical Documents

The growing market for medical tourism – whereby a resident of one country travels to another country in order to receive medical treatment, generally due to the lower cost or higher quality of service in the other country – also means that medical translation requests are on the increase. 

Tomedes has a network of specialist Swiss German translators for almost all language pairings and, thanks to our innovative business model, we are able to provide medical translation at exceptionally competitive prices. 

For this client, we engaged our leading medical translator based in Stroud, whose extensive experience in the medical translation field and Swiss German heritage made him the perfect person for the job. He got to work straight away and within just one week we had provided the client with the flawless English translation of his medical documents. 

Fast & Accurate Translation For Busy Clients

The client was grateful for such a speedy service, which meant that the process of registering with a local doctor (a key part of his move to England) could go ahead without further delay.

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