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Portuguese Translation Services by our Expert Translators

Among other kinds of business document translation, we provide purchase and logistics translation for businesses in the oil industry, as well as superior Swahili translation for West African importing and exporting.

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Swahili and Portuguese Translation for Purchase and Logistics

May 10, 2010

Oil companies often need translators for details, communication and business functions throughout the entire industry. Sometimes they need business contract translation, other times it is legal or financial paperwork. This particular oil company based in West Africa (specific details cannot be disclosed due to strict confidentiality agreements with all clients) needed English to Portuguese translation and English to Swahili translation for delivery of materials, logistics, purchase orders, communication with vendors, MIS reports and more. This one project alone demonstrates the high demand for quality business document translation from one foreign business to another.

While oil companies demand purchase and logistics translation, shipping and receiving translation, and other business related translations, another businesses need financial transactions translation or business license translation – the nature of translation depends upon the business, but it is always necessary in one facet or another. To get your own free quote on any Portuguese translation, Swahili document translation or for any business document translation, simply send in your files and documents using the top menu, or input the number of words to be translated. You'll instantly receive an estimate of our super low translation rates.

Swahili and Portuguese Business Translation

The West African oil company who needed Portuguese translators and Swahili translators for raw materials delivery requested general knowledge of engineering document translation. Since things like English to Portuguese MIS report translation and Swahili logistics translation for an oil company are not the most common requests for translators, they may have been hard pressed to find such translators elsewhere – at least translators that could provide high quality purchase and logistics translation from a professional translation company. For projects with many areas needing Portuguese document translation and English to Swahili translation, we assign several translators, one to each sub-project. Then there are two proofreaders provided, one Portuguese proofreader and one Swahili proofreader. Finally, an expert supervisor for each language translation is assigned to ensure speed of oil company translation materials, accuracy and quality.

Since MIS reports translation would fall under technical Portuguese translation or technical Swahili translation, and something like purchase and transport translation would be much more general, different kinds of translators can be utilized for such projects like these. It's nice to receive projects for which a well-rounded blend of engineering translators and general business document translators can work together. While we do receive shipping and receiving projects and other port business for translation in New York or San Francisco, Miami, and parts of New England, they are typically very specific. This particular oil exporting business translation allowed Tomedes to really use our network of over 5,000 translators worldwide.

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