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Our account manager provided super customer service to a client on her day off.

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Account Manager Saves the Day for Client Needing Sales Document Translations

October 01, 2012

The People at Our Translation Company Totally Rock

Sometimes it is amazing just how efficient our Tomedes translation project managers and account managers are at their jobs.  Their customer service to clients goes above and beyond not only any other online translation service, but beyond many business services outside of the language translation and localization industry.  To give an idea of how fantastic they are - and also to illustrate our translation company customer service is not just something we say because we're trying to sound good - consider the following recent translation project that was requested of us: Four different languages, for a client who is by far one of the world's most respected and well known brands in lawnmowers, tractors and other landscaping vehicles and machinery.

This client is a fairly regular one, so his Tomedes account manager was not surprised to be contacted by him with a request to have a sales document translated.  The languages of request were English to French translation, English to German, English to Italian and English to Polish translation of an important sales document for our client's company.  Our client also requested a quote and time-frame of turnover within the hour.

Now, this client's account manager at Tomedes was out of the office, on her day off.  Regardless, though, she must check her mail pretty consistently, because she responded to his email right away - and by that, we don't mean with some annoying automated out-of-the-office-message that is so typical for U.S. businesses.  She asked our client if the translation quote and turnover estimate could be sent first thing the next morning.  However, she must have read the urgency part of the email right after that, because she then sent another message telling our client that she'd have the quote and turnover estimate back to her in an hour.  What a trooper this girl is.

Account Manager Delivers Awesome Customer Service of Business Document Translations (On Her Day Off!)

For a sales document translation of approximately 600 words, individual quotes were sent for each language pair - English to French and English to German translations first, followed by a professional Italian translation quote, and finally Polish.  Just as shocking - in the good way - as our project managers' customer service to our clients, is the low rates we offer.  Two out of the four sales document translations were considerably less than 100 bucks. 

It didn't end there.  On top of our account manager of this client working to get a quote and turnover estimate within an hour on her day off and away from the office (which means she had to contact several translators who also had off that day), the client then threw a curveball at her.

"I need this within a day or two.  Will this affect the quote?"

"No it will not.  Is Thursday morning suitable?" (That's what our account manager responded with).

No extra fees for a super-rushed document translation - What!?  An account manager who promptly and continuously corresponded with a Fortune 1000 client over the course of several hours on her day off?  I have to say - I love these people.  Tomedes is lucky to have them.

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