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Fast and Accurate Spanish Translation Services

We were contacted by one of our regular, legal clients the other day. He had a new document for us to work on, which was intended to be used in court

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A quick legal translation into Spanish

August 10, 2015

It's especially important for legal translations to be accurate, and considering another means of translating a legal document other than via a professional, human translator is insufficient. 

For example, we were contacted by one of our regular, legal clients the other day. Our client resides in Arizona, U.S., and he had a new document for us to work on, which was intended to be used in a court of law. The document itself was quite short — only consisting of two pages — and it wouldn't take long for one of our professional translators to provide a fast translation of the document. However, accuracy was of the highest importance, and we had to be sure that the completed translation was correct.

Having found our quotation to be priced very reasonably, our client approved the translation. We instantly assigned one of our best Spanish translators to the legal translation, who was selected for her native-speaking ability, and also her familiarity with legal translation specifically. Because of this translator's expertise, we had no trouble with providing a Certification of Translation Accuracy Certificate, which puts Tomedes' name to the accuracy of the translation, and allows any disputes over it to be directed towards us instead of the client. Clients who have to translate official documents really appreciate this certificate, not least our clients from the legal profession.

When the completed translation was returned to the client, he thanked our translator and commended her for the speed and accuracy of her work. We hope to work together again soon.

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