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Legal Translation Services by our Expert Hebrew Translators

Professional legal translation from Hebrew to English for a long legal document regarding terms of company shareholders, investors and others involved.

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Professional Hebrew Translation for Technical Legal Documents

October 19, 2012

English to Hebrew Translation for Legal Document Terms

Documents that require professional legal translation services are some of the most common we receive, especially for Hebrew to English and English to Hebrew translations.  One of the reasons for this is that Hebrew is one of the languages we specialize in, and the other reason is that legal documents often require professional translation because of legal requirements, and because international shareholders and investors are commonly a part of any company financial board or stakeholders.

A recent legal translation we provided for a investment company was rather lengthy as well as technical in its legal terminology and language.  As most translators know, often financial and legal translations are mingled into one, requiring that translators have both financial and legal translation skills - which is not always something easily found.  This type of English to Hebrew translation service requires very specific translation experience and skills:

  • Hebrew and English language fluency
  • In-depth background in corporate and business law
  • Experience with financial legal translations
  • An understanding of both cultures, and how legal and financial terms, currencies and specific industry terminologies translate from Hebrew to English and vice versa. 

For this particular project, one of our linguistic project managers responded back to the client with a quote, directly after being contacted.  The project manager then collected rate offers and turn-around projections from qualified translators.  Two experienced Hebrew translators with legal and financial translation backgrounds were selected, and completed the 5,000+ word document in less than 2 days. 


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