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Polish CV and Resume Translation Service

Tomedes translates resumes and CVs from Polish to English (and vice versa) for various official needs such as overseas employment and freelancing. Our native translators have the language and industry experience required to deliver accurate translations of Polish resumes and CVs. Please find below examples of the projects we have worked on over the years.

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Professional Translation of Resume from Polish to English

August 08, 2018

Settling down in a new country can be an amazing adventure. It can also present some unexpected difficulties. For one Tomedes translation agency client, job hunting in his new country proved to be harder than expected – he was qualified and had good experience behind him, so thought that finding work would be easy. However, writing a CV in your second language can be difficult. That’s why this client sought out our Polish translation service to have their Polish CV translated to English. 

Having already spent some weeks fruitlessly searching for work, the client was keen to get things moving quickly, so opted to use our rush translation service for Polish CVs and resumes in order to obtain the English version of his document as fast as possible. (We are happy to deliver any project via our urgent translation service, from brief documents to entire websites – simply talk to our helpful team about it when booking your job!)

Expert Native Polish CV Translators Versed in All Industries or Fields

We set our professional Polish translator to work straight away. With years of translation experience behind him, he made quick work of the client’s CV, translating it into perfect English. The client was delighted with the result. He is now able to look for work using a CV that stands out from the competition for all the right reasons, rather than as a result of its suspect grammar. 

The client was also pleased with the cost of the Tomedes translation service, which offered excellent value for money, along with superb customer service. An all-round great job!


Reach Out to Us and Get a Free Quote

Need to translate a CV or resume from English to Polish? For all of your translation needs, the Tomedes translation and localization team can help. We cover a vast range of language pairings and have specialist expertise in translating business documents, legal papers, medical documents and much more. You can use our website to obtain an instant quote, or contact us by phone, email or live chat for further details. 

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