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Business Translation Services by Tomedes' Network of Expert Translators

Recently we were approached in order to translate a sales training kit for a corporate client. The company needed to deliver a training programme to its staff in six countries.

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December 01, 2013

A common desire for businesses with staff teams spread across several countries is to roll out training programmes that all employees engage with at the same time. This means providing a standardised training kit, including corporate values and messages, in a variety of languages. 

Tomedes uses its network of translators to provide professional translation services in a range of languages. We have staff based around the world in order to provide our clients with local knowledge and expertise. 

Recently we were approached in order to translate a sales training kit for a corporate client. The company needed to deliver a training programme to its staff in six countries. This meant the training materials were needed in Spanish, Arabic, French, Chinese, German and Russian. The kit included presentations, activities and questions for the employees, designed to improve their sales techniques regardless of the country in which we operated. 

Tomedes is often asked to translate a document into more than one language, so we have well developed processes in place in order to undertake such projects. We provided six of our leading translators with the English version of the training kit and set them to work simultaneously. Their backgrounds all included some type or retail or direct sales experience, so we knew that we had selected the ideal team for the project. 

Our approach meant that within a single working week we were able to provide the client with six beautifully translated versions of his documentation. The training was subsequently rolled out across the six countries, with excellent results. The client contacted us again recently to let us know how well the translated materials had worked and to let us know that his next translation job would shortly be coming our way. 

By putting our clients first and ensuring that we focus on customer service and high quality translation, Tomedes is fast becoming the go-to translation service for businesses across the world. We speak a range of languages, so that the businesses don’t have to. 

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