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Using localized online gaming and gambling translation service is a sure way to significantly increase revenue from these sites.
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The American online gambling industry, as well as the entire American market for online gambling, has all but been shut down by government legislation. This has left American online gambling sites with very few options for making up the lost revenue. The best way to make up this revenue is to make these gaming sites accessible to non-English speaking markets with gambling website translation. The more localized online gambling and casinos translation is used for as many languages as possible, the more potential for increased website traffic and revenue. Most European and especially Asian regulations have overturned most restrictions for online gaming, creating a huge potential for businesses that lost their former American gambling markets.
To get a free quote for any localized online gambling translation service, use the top menu to upload your files, or input the total word count to be translated. You'll receive an instant estimate for your request, as well as a glimpse at the lowest priced translations available from any leading translation company.
Aside from similar projects such as casino gambling documents and brochure translation for Las Vegas casinos, we have also provided several online gaming websites with translation from English to Chinese, as well as Chinese to English. There are Las Vegas casino-style gaming sites that are popping up all over Asia, especially in China, Thailand, Japan and Korea. These online gaming sites are a rapidly growing industry, with enormous revenue potential. It's a lucrative proven business strategy to use localized translation for online gaming for the 70% of the market that is non-English speaking, just as Chinese website translation has been lucrative for online gambling sites in China.
With translations like localized Chinese translation, localized Thai translation, and localized Korean translation service, online gaming sites increase their chances of attracting foreign market revenue by four times. It is statistically proven that people are four to five times more likely to purchase from a website in their native language, even if they can speak and understand English. With odds and statistics like this, why wouldn't everyone want to invest in localized online gambling translation, or any website translation service for that matter?
Tomedes has performed localized online gaming and gambling translation service for many clients in the recent past, including English to Malay translation, Chinese website translation, and several other Asian language translation and localizations. While we cannot reveal specifics about clients due to strict confidential terms of service, clients experience a significant increase in website traffic and revenues after using professional localized translation service for their online gaming sites. Its certainly a much more convenient alternative to opening a casino in Las Vegas.
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