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Korean Website Localization Services

Korean translation requests are common for business documents, green cards, visas, birth certificates and other immigration documents.

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Korean to English Translation of Website

September 19, 2013

Korean translation requests are common for business documents, green cards, visas, birth certificates and other immigration documents. Rather than use a free translation software, it is important to hire a professional Korean translation service to avoid embarassing mistranslations or errors.

Recently, the Korean translators at Tomedes translated a website for a Korean client that has an English speaking client base. The client owns a beauty supply store geeared towards African American hair products. Their website content was written in Korean so it needed to be translated into English. A team of two of our best Korean translators worked on translating the eight page website into English and it only took them two days to get it completed. Our client was very impressed with the turnaround timeframe and quality of the translation.

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