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Resume and CV Translation

Tomedes recently undertook a resume translation from Japanese to English for a new client who was planning to move to the UK.

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Japanese to English resume translation

December 23, 2015

Tomedes recently undertook a resume translation from Japanese to English for a new client. He was planning to move to the UK and wanted to start applying for jobs as soon as possible. His high level IT background meant that there should be plenty of opportunities available for him in England’s big cities, but although his spoken English was good, he feared his written skills were not sufficient to produce a top quality CV that was reflective of his abilities. 

The Tomedes team was only too happy to assist. As well as providing CV and resume translation services, we are also able to provide hints and tips on what works best in each country in terms of resume layout, as this differs from place to place. 

The client was thrilled to be able to receive professional advice and guidance in relation to his resume, as well as a top quality translation. By always using professional human translators, Tomedes is able to guarantee the high quality of our translated documents. In fact, we are so confident of our quality levels that we provide a one year guarantee with every translation. 

With his English resume available to send to potential employers and employment agencies, the client was able to start his job search activity from the comfort of his home in Japan. He quickly established that his skills were sought after in the UK and that finding employment was unlikely to be an issue. This gave him the reassurance he needed to move forward with his plans for relocating overseas. 

From personal translations like this client’s resume to business brochures and websites, Tomedes is here to help. Our services enable our clients to pursue their goals, whatever and wherever those may be. For further details and to discuss your translation requirements, please contact us. You can also get an instant quote by entering your details on our website.

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