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Creative projects often need to be produced in more than one language, such as the film script that Tomedes translated recently from Italian to English.
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Creative projects often need to be produced in more than one language, such as the film script that Tomedes translated recently from Italian to English. With books and films reaching global audiences, we often receive requests to translate them, and Italian and English is a popular language pairing.
For this job, we scanned through our network of professional translators and found the perfect person: a London-based film buff whose translation career experience included working on both movie scripts and books.
This was a substantial translation job, with nearly 40,000 words in total. Our translator set to work on the script, working through it methodically in order to provide a perfect finished article. He worked alongside our proofreading team, who went through the translated script as part of our routine quality assurance process.
Within four weeks, the English version of the script was presented to our client. He was extremely happy with the end result, which we had typeset to the same standard as the original Italian version. Thanks to Tomedes’ low translation service rates, he was also pleased with the final cost of the project, which he felt was wonderful value for the swift and high quality service that he had received.
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