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IM and Skype Translations
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There could be many reasons a client chooses to have an electronic discussion translated. One of the most common reasons is for legal purposes, to document communication in things such as a civil suit, or domestic charges. It's easy to forget that legal translation services can extend beyond the technical side of things. For this reason, we provide our clients for any type of translation they need - even for an entire discussion via Skype, which we recently provided professional Russian translation for.
A Skype translation can be approached in a couple of ways. The most common way is to translate it line by line, just as it appears in the original scroll. Other times, clients may choose to translate only the responses from one individual in the conversation. This is much less common, but it has happened. One of the biggest challenges in something like an email translation, skype translation, or any social media such as a Twitter translation, is to correctly translate all vernacular language. This can be more challenging than you would expect, because it is not unusual for slang terms, language trends and other colloquialisms not to have any equivalent in the target language. In this case, the translator must rely upon their knowledge of both languages, and how to translate vernacular terms. If some of these terms in the Russian translation of the Skype discussion were to be translated exactly, they would come across as awkward at the very least, and much of the time, completely nonsensical. This is why it is so important to have translators available who have been immersed in Russian culture. Accuracy depends greatly upon cultural knowledge, just as much as it does Russian to English translation experience.
To receive legal document translation services, or to have a personal document translated such as the example above, don't hesitate to contact us at info@tomedes.com . Or, if you'd like an instant estimate, simply fill in the menu to the left to retrieve your immediate quote - no requirement to reveal any personal information or even your email address.
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