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Travel and Visa Translation Services

English to Finnish translation of a visa document being sent to the Finnish visa entrance officials

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Professional Finnish Translation of Visa Documents

March 17, 2013

 Travel & Visa Documents Translation

visa translationMost of the time, more than just the visa itself needs professional translation services when an individual is in the thick of applying, waiting, or receiving a passport or visa approval.  Visa application documents have to be translated for those wanting to travel to parts of the world where they do not speak the language.  For certain kinds of visas, such as an O1 Visa, things like letters of recommendation and industry authority letters are often required to consider visa allowance.  Visa translation can cover many types of documents, so be prepared, if you are about to apply for one, to face several different steps in the visa application process, and make sure you have a translation service or professional translator lined utravel translationp to handle all of your visa document translation demands.

English to Finnish Translation of Visa Document

Such as was the case with an English to Finnish translation we recently completed.  It certainly falls under the category of "visa translation," but technically, it was a letter that addressed the denial of, and formal turnaround of a visa request.  

What made this visa document translation a little tricky was that it was for a medical doctor, and it also contained some medical jargon.  This meant that we needed a professional Finnish translator who was also an experienced medical translation professional and one who was familiar with visa processes.  While this may sound like a tall order, because our translator network is filled with bazillions of qualified translators, it was not a problem to assign this document translation service to a fantastic Finnish translator with medical translation background.  With a word count of about 500, she had it completed, proofread and back to the client in less than 24 hours.

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