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Expanding Computer Science Courses Reach with Italian Translations

Tomedes accurately translated complex computer science courses from English to Italian, addressing the unique needs of the educational sector. This project highlights our commitment to providing culturally relevant and technically precise translations. Discover how our services can enhance the global reach of your educational content.

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Expanding Computer Science Courses Reach with Italian Translations

September 24, 2024

Our client

Company name: EdTech Innovations (Pseudonym)

What does the company do?

EdTech Innovations is an organization that provides online computer science courses for educators around the world.

Deadline set by the client: 1 week 

What do they need? 

EdTech Innovations required translating from English to Italian three key educational web pages to support their global outreach efforts. These pages contained complex technical content related to computer science, which needed to be translated with both accuracy and cultural relevance. The translations of educational content had to maintain and ensure that industry-specific terminology was conveyed clearly. Additionally, they needed to be culturally adapted to resonate with Italian-speaking educators, allowing them to fully comprehend and effectively engage with the educational material provided by EdTech Innovations.

The challenges

Although we were given sufficient time to complete this project, several challenges arose throughout the process. Below are the top three obstacles we encountered:

First, translating educational material related to computer science into Italian required precise handling of technical terms. Ensuring that complex jargon was translated accurately without losing meaning or clarity was essential to maintaining the integrity of the content.

Second, the educational content needed to be engaging and resonate with Italian educators. The translation had to consider Italy’s unique cultural context to ensure that the message was clear and relatable to the target audience.

Third, EdTech Innovations set a one-week deadline for the project, which required efficient coordination among translators and project managers. Ensuring that the translation was not only completed on time but also maintained high standards of accuracy and consistency added complexity to the task.

Why Tomedes?

Our client chose Tomedes as their go-to translation company because of our expertise in translating academic and educational content in English, Italian, and other 150 languages. Leveraging the company’s global network of native translators, including experts proficient in both the Italian language and the technical field of computer science, Tomedes ensured the precise translation of complex technical jargon. This expertise guaranteed that industry-specific terminology was accurately conveyed while maintaining clarity and ease of understanding for Italian-speaking educators.

With experience handling time-sensitive projects, Tomedes was well-equipped to deliver the translations within the strict one-week deadline. The company’s streamlined processes allowed for rapid yet meticulous translation and review.

The solution

Firstly, Tomedes put together a team of native Italian-speaking translators who knew the educational and technical lingo used in the content. This made sure the educational material was translated right and easy to understand for Italian-speaking educators.

Secondly, Tomedes used its advanced translation tools to make sure the project got done right. The system let the team work together in real time, manage different versions of the content, and make sure all the translations were consistent.

Thirdly, once the translations were done, they went through a pretty thorough quality assurance process. This included proofreading by another set of translators to make sure everything was accurate, consistent, and easy to read. We paid special attention to making sure the technical details were right while also making sure the content sounded natural in Italian.

The result

After reviewing the translations, our client was impressed with how accurately the technical content was conveyed in Italian. The translations were not only precise but also culturally relevant. They were also pleased we met the tight deadline, keeping the launch of their Italian-language platform on schedule and aligned with their plans.

In our previous conversation, the client mentioned that the translations made their content more accessible and understandable for educators across Italy. The content was well-suited to the Italian educational system and resonated with the target audience, making it more engaging and effective. They are eager to collaborate with us on future projects.


Expanding into new markets requires more than just translating words; it requires adapting content in a way that resonates with local audiences. Tomedes’ professional Italian translations helped EdTech Innovations bridge the language gap, ensuring that Italian educators could benefit from their computer science courses.

If your business or educational organization is expanding into international markets, partner with Tomedes for expert translation services. We ensure accurate, culturally relevant translations are delivered on time. Let us help you reach new audiences and grow your global presence—contact us today.

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