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Professional Vietnamese Translation

A recent client needed Vietnamese translation in order to share a range of educational materials with young people in Vietnam

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English to Vietnamese Educational Translation

June 24, 2018

Education is an incredibly empowering gift and one which professional translation services can help to ensure reaches even more young people around the world. In the case of a recent client, he wanted to share a range of educational materials with young people in Vietnam. His spoken language skills were sufficient for him to get by there, but he wanted the written papers to be flawless. As such, he used the Tomedes Vietnamese translation service to support his work. 

The Vietnamese language borrows heavily from classical Chinese and thus shares many similarities with Cantonese. With around 75 million speakers, Vietnamese is spoken not only in Vietnam, but also in a number of other countries with Vietnamese expat populations. In the US, it is the country’s seventh most commonly spoken language. 

Our client needed his translation in a hurry, so opted to use our rush translation service. We assigned a suitably experienced and qualified Vietnamese translator straight away. The translator lost no time in getting to work on the client’s documents, translating each of his educational papers in turn until the full set was complete and ready for the client to use. 

Projects such as this emphasise the immense importance of human translation services. Machine translation remains inferior, despite various large companies’ efforts to bring it up to par with the work of human translators.  

The client was delighted with the Vietnamese translation. His translated materials were typeset to mirror the originals, as he had requested, which meant that he could hit the ground running as soon as he was ready to do so in terms of delivering his educational project in Vietnam. 

With translation specialists available to cover a vast range of language pairings, and a system that closely matches translators’ experience with the job at hand, Tomedes is well placed to offer accurate translation services across a spectrum of subjects. You can contact our friendly team by email, phone or live chat to find out more. 

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