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Accurate video translation from Tomedes

Recently, a client asked the Tomedes team to translate her video from English to Turkish.

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English to Turkish video translation

October 17, 2018

Video translation in any language has its own unique set of challenges. From transcription and timestamping to subtitling, video translation is a skilled art – and one that is becoming more and more sought after, as our appetite for online video content continues to grow. It requires not just superb language skills, but also extremely careful attention to detail.

Tomedes supports video translation clients in a number of industries. We’ve worked on everything from corporate marketing video translation to the translation of YouTube videos. 

Recently, a client asked the Tomedes team to translate her video from English to Turkish. With numerous translators based in Turkey, we were happy to get straight to work. Our Turkish translation professionals deliver high quality Turkish translations across a range of disciplines. It means that our clients can benefit from translation experience in a wide variety of subjects. 

For this client, a quick turnaround was essential – she needed her video transcribed, translated and timestamped, all within a week. Given the length of the video, it was quite an ask, but here at Tomedes we do like a challenge!

In order to meet the client’s deadline, two of our translation professionals worked in tandem on the video file. One transcribed and timestamped, while the other translated. This meant that the translation of the video from English to Turkish could begin well before the transcription had finished. This saved valuable time and meant that we were able to comfortably deliver the client’s video translation well before her deadline. She was delighted to have received such a prompt and attentive service. 

If you have a video or audio translation need, Tomedes is here to help. In fact, we’re here to support you with any kind of translation project, no matter what size it is or what format it’s in. You can contact our helpful team for further details.

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