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Technical Translation Services by our Skilled Translators

The translation of computer files is a specialist service that requires particular attention to detail by the translator.

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November 07, 2013

The translation of computer files is a specialist service that requires particular attention to detail by the translator. At Tomedes we maintain a global bank of highly skilled, professional translators from a range of backgrounds. This means we have the perfect people ready and waiting to translate complex computer files for our clients. 

A new client approached us recently with a complex request. He had a .strings file of around 3,00 words that he needed translated from English into no less than six languages: Korean, German, Japanese, French, Chinese and Russian. 

We contacted our most appropriate translator in each country and got to work. We always use translators based in the target language country – it’s part of what makes our translation service so unique and of such high quality. 

Within a week we had translated the client’s .strings file into all six of the languages that he needed. We did this by selecting our leading translators with career experience in IT in each country. This ensured that we were able to provide a contextual translation service, meaning the client ended up with perfectly translated material in each of the six languages. 

The client was impressed, both with the speed of our translation service and with the cost. We are always careful that our pricing remains competitive, so that our clients can benefit from cost effective, professional translations, no matter what language or languages they require. 

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