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This client works for a large business in the construction industry, and on this occasion she was required to produce an international report for global distribution.

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English to French Business Report Translation

December 04, 2014

One of Tomedes’ regular clients got back in touch again recently, requesting that she make use of Tomedes’ business translation service once more. She first heard about Tomedes a few months ago, and was pleased with the high quality translation and competitive pricing that Tomedes offers. She was also impressed with the punctuality and friendliness of Nadia -- the project manager that the client developed a professional relationship with -- and appreciates that she is able to get in contact with Nadia at a moment’s notice.

This client works for a large business in the construction industry, and on this occasion she was required to produce an international report for global distribution. After sending a brief email to Nadia with the report attached, she revived a quick reply and quotation for a translation of the report. 

As on other occasions, the client instantly approved the quotation and work began on her document. When the finished translation was returned to her, the client realized that her boss had previously given her a selection of preferred translations for specific terms within the report, and he requested that those terms be used in the translation. 

The client got back in touch with Nadia to mention this, and Nadia ensured the client that it wouldn’t be a problem to have the translator go through the document and replace some phrases with the specific terms that the client’s boss suggested. The client was very happy with this service, and the 1-year guarantee that Tomedes gives to completed translations made her happy to continue using Tomedes’ service in the future. 

Tomedes aims to provide the best possible service to its clients, and the ongoing clientele of numerous professionals around the globe is testament to this.

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