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Danish Legal Translation Services by our Experts

Legal clients frequently get in contact with us here at Tomedes, and our reputation for privacy and confidentiality is well reputed amongst our clients.

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English to Danish Witness Statement Translation

December 22, 2014

Legal clients frequently get in contact with us here at Tomedes, and our reputation for privacy and confidentiality is well reputed amongst our clients.  For example, we were contacted a short while ago by a legal firm who required a witness statement to be translated into Danish.

Obviously, it’s of absolute importance that documents such as these are translated without any margin for error, and Jerry (an account manager at Tomedes) was able to reassure the client of our experience in dealing with this sort of confidential and highly important material.

Having been assured that highest level of confidentiality would be employed throughout the translation process, the client commissioned the translation and a translator was chosen: Tristan had dealt with confidential legal documents on a number of different occasions, and signed a non-disclosure agreement to ensure the document’s privacy.

During the course of the translation, the client wished to clarify a translation matter, and was able to make use of our 24/7 helpline to notify the project manager straight away. The client appreciated the 24/7 availability we provide for clients, and he indicated that this was one of the key points that made him consider using us for his translation needs.

The document was returned to the client by the agreed deadline, and the client expressed his thanks for a smooth and easy process in addition to the level of professionalism and confidentiality that we provided. We expect to hear from this satisfied client again in the future!

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