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Burmese Technical Translation Services

When a new client required an entire training manual to be translated into Burmese, she knew that Tomedes�' reputation for accurate localisation would be necessary.

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English to Burmese Training Manual Translation

December 23, 2014

When it comes to training staff, it’s especially important that information is conveyed accurately and clearly. After all, if an employee’s instructions are not easy to understand, then this can negatively impact the effectiveness of the wider organisation as well as the confidence of the individual worker. 

When a recent client required an entire training manual to be translated into Burmese, she knew that Tomedes’ reputation for clarity and accurate cultural localisation would be necessary to comprehensively convey the information in her training manual to new members of staff. 

When translating written material into another language, it’s vitally important to localise cultural and contextual concepts, which simply isn’t possible when using machine-based translation. 

The client mentioned that the human translation team that Tomedes prides itself in was a key factor in her decision to approach Tomedes, as she couldn’t afford to send an unclear message to her new workers. 

After getting in touch with Tomedes, the new client was informed on exactly what would happen throughout the translation process, and the helpful project manager even offered to help enhance the formatting of the training document. 

The client was greatly impressed by the punctual and helpful customer service Tomedes provided, and after receiving a competitive quotation, she decided to go ahead and commission the translation. 

The translator’s familiarity with Burmese culture aided the translation process, and the client was very happy when the manual was returned to her sooner than expected. 

This was the first time that this particular client had contacted Tomedes, but the hassle-free process that client experienced whilst the translation was completed ensured that it wouldn’t be the last. 

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