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Translate English Literary Piece to Sanskrit

Tomedes translates literature from English to Sanskrit (and vice versa) for various academic, legal, and official purposes. Our native translators have the language and industry experience required to deliver accurate translations of Sanskrit literature. Please find below examples of the projects we have worked on over the years.

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Professional English to Sanskrit Literary Translation

February 19, 2017

page updated January 11, 2023

Literature is a wonderful medium through which cultures can compare and contrast their histories, ideologies and daily lives. The translation of novels, poems and plays is an important component in aiding understanding across linguistic and geographic borders. 

Human translation for Sanskrit literature is a must. When an author has put her heart and soul into creating a literary masterpiece, relying on machine translation to make it available in other languages is inconceivable. Literary translation requires the finesse and nuance that only a human translator can provide. 

When a new client approached Tomedes recently, asking for his literary work to be translated from English to Sanskrit, he was very clear that only a human translator would suffice. As Tomedes only ever enlists experienced translators, this was no problem!


Expert Sanskrit Literary Translators – Experienced and Reliable

Our literary translators go above and beyond. The client also wanted to take advantage of our excellent localization service for Sanskrit literary pieces. Localization complements translation by being sensitive to any references in the material that might cause offence, or humour, or simply not be understood. A thought-out localization is invaluable for effective literary translations – which entails the essence of the original material rather than simply translating word for word.

We were happy to oblige and provided the client with a Sanskrit literature translation and localization for her piece. Our Uttarakhand-based translator was delighted to undertake this translation. We always seek to use natives of the target language in this way, in order to assure the quality of the translations that we produce. This is also essential for localization work, as was the case with this client. 


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After a diligent and thorough translation, the resulting Sanskrit literary work was absolutely perfect. The client was thrilled. Another very happy customer!  

Speak to the Tomedes team to find out how we can support your translation needs. From business documents to novels, we are here to help you connect with new audiences around the world.

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