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Hindi Website Localization and Translation

Tomedes translates websites to and from Hindi such as e-commerce websites, educational websites, and travel websites. Our expert translators have the language and industry experience required to deliver accurate and reliable Hindi website localization. Please find below examples of the projects we have worked on over the years.

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English to Hindi website translation

June 08, 2016

With 258 million Hindi speakers in India (according to the 2001 Census), Hindi is the fourth most natively spoken language in the world after Mandarin, Spanish and English. For a recent Tomedes client, this was a major factor in his decision to translate her English website to Hindi. 

The client sold a range of fashion accessories that had been made to appeal to Indian buyers. Having built up a substantial market for her goods in the UK, where she was based, she wanted to see if there was much demand for her products in India. Tomedes supported her with the translation of her market research documents into Hindi (and translating the responses back from Hindi to English). The results were encouraging and so the client asked Tomedes to translate her entire website into Hindi. 

Professional Hindi Website Translator For Ensured Quality and Accuracy 

Our leading native translator was delighted to take on the challenge. Fluent in both English and Hindi and with a marketing background, he was more than capable of turning the English version of the site into accurately translated Hindi that would appeal to the client’s target customers. 

Tomedes takes the time to get to know our translators’ backgrounds in this way, so that we can be sure to pair them appropriately with the translations that we are asked to undertake. We are committed to always using professional human translators and never machines. Despite recent advances in technology, human translators still outperform machines when it comes to delivering 100% accurate translations at affordable prices. 

Meeting Tight Deadlines For Your Business Growth

As this client was fired up about launching her site in India and keen to get it up and running as soon as possible, she asked us to treat her translation as urgent. This is no problem for the Tomedes team. We are used to providing translations to meet strict client deadlines and this was no exception. 

The final, Hindi version of the website was provided well before the client’s deadline and she was delighted with the result. She now has everything she needs to expand her business empire and reach out to hundreds of millions of potential new customers!

For all of your translation needs, contact the Tomedes team today.

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