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Hindi Video Translation and Transcription

Tomedes translates videos to and from Hindi for any multimedia content such as marketing, entertainment, and educational videos. Our Hindi video translators have the language and industry experience required to deliver accurate and reliable translations. Please find below examples of the projects we have worked on over the years.

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Translating English Video to Hindi for Educational Materials

April 26, 2017

Last updated on January 11, 2023

A client recently asked Tomedes to translate the copy of his educational video from English to Hindi. The client wanted both a written translation and a voiceover version in Hindi. The Tomedes team was pleased to be able to assist with both requirements.  

Professional translation isn’t just confined to translating written text. Video translation with voice overs is an increasingly sought after service. Almost 1/3 of all people on the internet are users of YouTube – that’s over 1 billion people looking at video content from around the world. Presenting videos in alternative languages can be a quick and easy way of ensuring that your message reaches the maximum possible audience. 

This was precisely the case with our client. He had put time, energy and funds into creating an English language version of his educational video. Now, he wanted to maximize the reach of his content and present it to the 490 million Hindi speakers around the world too. He was in a hurry to get started, so opted for our urgent translation

Professional English to Hindi Video Translator for Exceptional Results

At Tomedes, we have a global network of over 5,000 professional translators, including many qualified native translators. For this job, we turned to our leading Hindi video translator based in Delhi. We always endeavor to use translators who are native speakers of the target language, as our experience has shown that doing so makes for a higher standard of translation. 

Once the written translation was complete, we focused on providing the voiceover version. The client was absolutely delighted with both. The quality of the written work and the presentation by the voiceover artist were precisely what he was looking for – and the whole job provided exceptional value for money. 

Need help with a translation project?

For all of your translation needs, contact Tomedes today. We offer specialist translators who are able to tackle translations in a range of disciplines. Why not use our online instant quote service for an immediate indication of the cost of your translation?  

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