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English to Hindi business document translation

A regular client recently asked for his company documents to be translated from English to Hindi, using our urgent translation service.

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English to Hindi business document translation services

March 22, 2017

Professional translation services play a key role in enabling businesses to operate on a global scale. From marketing documents to business emails to websites, the role of translation in international commerce has never been greater. 

This was demonstrated recently by a regular Tomedes client, who had a new batch of business documents ready to translate. The company had already used our urgent translation service for its website translation, as well as a number of email translations, and now had a marketing presentation and sales brochure to translate from English to Hindi. 

The client had been clear that his company would only be happy with professional human translation, rather than machine translation. This is very much in tune with our ethos here at Tomedes – we only ever use human translators, as machines simply can’t deliver the finesse and nuances that humans can. 

As his company was in a hurry for its Hindi translations, the client once again opted to use the Tomedes urgent translation service. We got to work straight away, with our leading Hindi translator starting work immediately. With a network of over 5,000 professional translators spread around the world, we have the ability to respond swiftly to urgent client needs in this way. 

The client was also keen to take advantage of our desktop publishing service, so that the Hindi versions of his documents mirrored the English versions perfectly. This is particularly helpful for brochures and presentations, as it ensures that the translated text is delivered in just the same format as it was originally intended. 

Engaging a professional translation service in this way can help businesses to meet their needs in a timely and efficient fashion. If your company is considering translating its materials, contact the Tomedes team to discuss how best to go about it, and how quickly your flawless translations can be delivered. 

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