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English to French website translation

A recent Tomedes client approached us via our online chat service, asking about the professional translation of his website from English to French

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Fabulous French Translation

January 15, 2017

Translating the company website is seen by many businesses as a ‘quick win’ in terms of gaining new clients, expanding geographical coverage and increasing sales. After all, if the company has already gone to the time and expense of building a fantastic website, it makes sense to maximise the value of that site by making it available to as many people as possible. 

This was precisely the view of a recent Tomedes client who approached us via our online chat service, asking about the professional translation of his website from English to French. He wanted to reach out to new customers at minimal cost and also to get the best value out of the extensive work that had gone into building the original website. 

Here at Tomedes we have a network of more than 5,000 professional translators spread around the world, so finding the perfect English to French translator for this client was simple. We compared the content of the client’s website with our translators’ interests and experience until we found the perfect match – and voilà! The stage was set for a perfect translation. 

The size of our network means that we are always able to use professional human translators rather than machines. This is an important part of our business model, as our commitment to quality means that machines cannot be used for our translations – they don’t produce good enough results when compared with translations undertaken by real people. 

Our approach was certainly appreciated by this client. He was delighted with the French version of his website and is already receiving new enquiries as a result of publishing it in that language. Another happy customer!

For all of your professional translation needs, contact Tomedes today. We provide translators for a vast range of languages, for everything from personal paperwork to business documents. 

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