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Accurate technical translation by Tomedes

A recent Tomedes client asked us to translate a list of strings for him, from English to Bengali.

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English to Bengali technical translation

April 10, 2019

To many of use, a page full of code would be a daunting prospect to try and understand in our own language, let alone in another tongue. However, for our technical translation experts, translating programming languages is second nature. This is just as well, as the demand for technical translations of this nature is simply staggering. 

Demand for technical translation 

There are billions of smartphone owners on our planet. The first smartphone was launched by IBM in 1992, but it wasn’t until the release of the iPhone in 2007 that smartphones really took off. In the decade since then, the app industry has grown hugely. There are now millions of developers coding apps ranging from games to self-help guides to language-learning tools. In 2017, users downloaded apps 178 billion times. By 2022, that figure is projected to rise to 258 billion. App translation will play a key role in making that happen.

Professional technical translation from Tomedes

Of course, sometimes a client doesn’t need their entire app translated, just a few pieces of code. This was the case with a recent Tomedes client, who asked us to translate a list of strings for him. Strings are sequences of characters that have a vast range of uses in computer science, from simple apps to bioinformatics. 

In the case of this client, he needed to translate his strings from English to Bengali. As such, we turned to our leading native Bengali technical translator for assistance. We believe that it’s important to use a native speaker of the target language. Doing so usually achieves a higher quality translation than can be obtained from someone who speaks it as their second language. 

High quality Bengali translation 

In the case of this client, our translator got to work at once, as the client was eager to move forward with his project and needed the Bengali version of the strings in order to do so. Our translator worked methodically through each string, adding them to a spreadsheet column next to the originals in order that it was crystal clear to the client which Bengali string related to which English string. 

The client was delighted with the result. The accurate Bengali translation meant that he was able to progress his project without any undue delay – and all for a great translation price!

If you have a technical translation need or, indeed, any other kind of translation need, Tomedes is here to help. Our dedicated account managers will ensure that you have the perfect translator to suit your needs, no matter which sector or niche you specialise in. Please contact our team to find out more. 


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