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Business Translation Services by our Experienced Dutch Translators

The recent translation of a tender document from Dutch to English for an IT company was an intensive job for Tomedes.

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December 09, 2013

The recent translation of a tender document from Dutch to English for an IT company was an intensive job for Tomedes. With the global market place meaning that companies often bid to run services across international borders, we find that business documents often need to be translated into one or more languages. This is one of the core translation services that we offer. 

With a network of professional translators spread across the world, we ensure that we always have the perfect person for every job. In London, we have a retired business development professional who used to write tender documents. Now a professional translator, she enjoys nothing more than translating such documents from Dutch into perfect business English

The IT tender was a pressured job. With just six business days to undertake the translation, which was over 10,000 words in length, before the documents had to be submitted, the clock was ticking from the start. Our translator worked closely with our desktop publishing team, as a number of the tables and graphics within the tender had to be rebuilt from the original Dutch into new English versions. 

Five long days later, the English version of the tender was presented to the client, with plenty of time left to manage one or two minor queries that had come up during the process. With these promptly dealt with, the client was ready to submit the tender document in plenty of time, thanks to Tomedes’ timely and high quality translation service

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