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Accurate Scientific Translation Services

Technical and scientific translation is a growing field, as shown by the Danish to English environmental translation completed by Tomedes.

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Danish to English Environmental Translation

September 02, 2014

Technical and scientific translation is a growing field, as shown by the Danish to English environmental translation completed by Tomedes recently. 

Environmental issues are a global concern that require a global approach if they are to be tackled responsibly. This means that leading officials across the world require an understanding of the facts, regardless of the language they speak. Environmental documents therefore often need to be translated and Tomedes has a bank of specialist environmental translators for just such a reason. 

Our most recent environmental translation was of a detailed paper that was littered with technical and scientific terms. This is why specialist translators are required for such documents – the linguistic skill needed to translate them accurately is acute. 

This client was in a hurry for the English version of his original Danish document, so we provided him with a competitive quote for our urgent service. He was delighted with the price and set us to work straight away.

Within just two weeks, we had translated the document, run it through our usual round of quality assurance checks and provided the client with the flawless English version. He thanked us for providing such an excellent translation in so short a space of time, which of course is what we excel at doing. 

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