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Accurate business translation from Tomedes

A recent Tomedes client needed a business manual translation service so that his company could expand its manufacturing process overseas.

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Danish to English business translation

May 08, 2019

According to the World Trade Statistical Review 2018, world merchandise trade grew at its strongest rate for six years in 2017. Trade doesn’t simply drive economic growth; it also results in job creation and spurs on research and development work to discover new products, services and solutions. 

One of the key elements that enables such strong global trading figures is the use of business translation services by companies around the world. Businesses use these translation services to cover everything from initial approaches to suppliers and deals with manufacturers to the creation of production manuals, product labels and marketing materials. In the case of a recent Tomedes client, it was a business manual translation service that was required in order for his company to expand its manufacturing process overseas. 

Danish to English translation for the business community

The client’s company was based in Denmark. He had built the business up from an initial idea to a small yet successful team. Manufacturing was carried out in Denmark, but the client had negotiated a partnership arrangement with a company in England to make and sell the product there too, through a franchise model.  As such, he needed to replicate his Danish business manual in English, so that precisely the same standards would be achieved in both countries. This is where Tomedes stepped in, providing expert Danish to English business translation in order that the client could move forward with his plans. 

Professional manual translation 

Tomedes has undertaken business manual translations for a wide range of clients, from engineering firms to government organizations. Our skilled translators work closely with clients to ensure their requirements are met in line with their deadlines – after all, in the business world, time is money! 

In the case of this client, the business manual was long and detailed, while the client’s timescale was tight. As such, he opted to use our express translation service, so that his business manual translation could be completed as a top priority. 

Desktop publishing services for business clients

The client also asked to use our desktop publishing service. His original manual appeared very dense and text-heavy and he wanted to make it more user-friendly. As such, he asked for both the original Danish version and the English version to be turned into an attractive manual by our professional desktop publishers. We were, of course, happy to oblige and the client was delighted with the results. 

If you have a translation need that’s holding your business back from its full potential, why not contact Tomedes today and move things forward? 

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