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Business Translation Services by our Skilled Chinese Translators

Chinese translations are among the most common and most difficult translation projects to complete and these projects are always welcome at Tomedes.

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Chinese Translation of Marketing Signs

July 19, 2013

Chinese translations are among the most common and most difficult translation projects to complete. The Chinese language leaves a lot of room for cultural errors and mistranslations.

Recently our team of Chinese translators worked on a project to translate a series of marketing signs from Chinese into English. The signs were for a Chinese businessman who owns multiple businesses and needed his marketing signs translated for an English speaking audience. Our team of two translators worked on the project for two days and were able to get it back to a satisfied client.

The cultural differences between the Chinese language and English language are the reason so many funny mistranslations are ciruclating on the internet. Unless you want your business materials to be the subject of a joke, it's important to hire a translation company that understands the Chinese language, grammar and dialects.

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