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A Tomedes client recently used our manufacturing translation service to help him get his product to market in the UK
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With trade networks buzzing around the globe, manufacturing translations are something that Tomedes is often asked to provide. We work with companies around the world to ensure that they have the information available to them in the right language at the right time.
Whether it’s the professional translation of one country’s requirements in terms of product safety specifications, the translation of manuals for manufacturing equipment and machines or the translation of pamphlets to accompany the end products, our skilled translators are available to assist.
A Tomedes client recently used our manufacturing translation service to help him get his product to market in the UK. We assisted with various translations as part of the project, culminating in the simplified Chinese to English translation of the product manual that would accompany every single item that was purchased.
As well as translation, we offered a localization service in order to help the client ensure that his product manual did not cause any unintended offence or humour in the target language. Localization can be an important way to help companies avoid any such embarrassment.
The client had opted for professional human translation after attempting to use computerised translation and being unconvinced that the results were of a high enough standard. At Tomedes we never use machine translation, for that that reason – humans still have the edge over machines when it comes to translating more than a few simple words and phrases.
This was a long job, with the client calling on our translators at various stages of his project, as and when he needed a particular document translated. The client liked having a bank of fast and responsive translators at his disposal (we have over 5,000 professional translators in our network) and was delighted with the quality of his translations. We look forward to supporting him with his next project!
For all your manufacturing and other business translation needs, contact Tomedes today.
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