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Portuguese Translation Services

This client was hoping to receive an English translation of his birth certificate, with a view to using it to support his application for permanent residency in the US.

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Birth Certificate Translation for Residency Application

March 29, 2015

A new client was referred to us recently by one of his colleagues, who had a positive experience with our translation company on a previous occasion. This client was hoping to receive an English translation of his birth certificate, with a view to using it to support his application for permanent residency in the US.

The client was a little unsure as to whether one of our translations could be submitted in an official capacity, and he asked about this in his initial inquiry. Kenette (one of our account managers here at Tomedes) responded to the client’s initial email within the hour, and he took some time to explain to the new client how our Certification of Translation Accuracy Certificate is provided to clients who are submitting official documents. This certificate guarantees that our translation is accurate to the best of our knowledge. 

The client was satisfied by this measure, and he was also very impressed by the affordability of Kenette’s quotation for the English translation. Thanks to these factors, the client decided to give the go-ahead for the translation to begin. 

A suitable translator was soon chosen to work on the birth certificate translation. Kenette chose this particular translator due to his native speaking ability and his experience of translating brith certificates previously. These competencies ensured a quick and accurate translation.

The completed translation was soon given back to the client, who was very grateful for the speed at which it was returned to him, allowing his residency application to proceed without delay. We hope to hear from this client again soon!

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