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Educational Translation Services by our Professional Translators

We were contacted by a new client who wanted an accurate translation of two different Diplomas awarded to students whilst studying in Poland.

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Accurate Translation of a Polish Diploma

April 08, 2015

We were contacted by a new client who wanted an accurate translation of two different Diplomas awarded to students whilst studying in Poland. The client had heard of our reputation for accurate translations, but wanted to know how we guarantee a translation’s accuracy.

Kenette, one of our account managers, was happy to assure the client that all of our translations are carried out by qualified, native-speaking translators. Kenette also explained that we can present clients with a Certification of Translation Accuracy certificate, which is our personal guarantee that the translation has been completed to the best of our knowledge. Clients can present this certificate with their translated documents to satisfy official requirements.

The client was satisfied with this news, and she was also pleasantly surprised by the affordable nature of our quotation. Due to these factors, she gave the go-ahead for the translation to begin.

Kenette selected a translator who had translated educational certificates previously, ensuring that the translation would be completed by an experienced professional as well as a native-speaker.

Thanks to the short nature of the diplomas, it wasn’t long before they were returned to the client along with out Certification of Translation Accuracy certificate. The client was surprised at how quick and easy the whole process had been, and she was happy to say she’d be back in touch again if she ever needed another diploma translating.


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