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Translation Case Studies

Read about our latest translation projects and see how we deliver fast, accurate, and high-quality language solutions. Explore how we empower businesses worldwide with expert translations tailored to their unique needs.

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Chinese Email Translation

January 13, 2014

Recently a long-term client asked us to translate a business email for her, from English into both traditional Chinese and simplified Chinese.

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Video Translation and Transcription Services

January 09, 2014

Tomedes specialised translation service recently undertook an English to Russian video translation assignment.

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Business Translation Services by our Professional Polish Translators

January 09, 2014

Tomedes values small translation jobs, such as the business letter we translated from English to Polish, just as much as large translation jobs.

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Arabic and French Translation Services

January 09, 2014

Translating business documents, such as the presentation translation to French and Arabic that we undertook recently, is a core part of Tomedes professional translation service.

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Arabic Technical Translation

January 06, 2014

English to Arabic translation of technical manuals is a task often undertaken by the Tomedes professional translation service.

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Automative Website Translation Services

January 06, 2014

Tomedes is regularly asked to undertake Hebrew to English website translation, such as the 2014 retail site that we translated recently.

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Translate PowerPoint From English To Arabic

January 02, 2014

PowerPoint presentations can be tricky to translate, but Tomedes made a fine job of the presentation that we were asked to translate to Arabic.

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Literary Translation Services by our Linguists

December 30, 2013

Creative projects often need to be produced in more than one language, such as the film script that Tomedes translated recently from Italian to English.

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Japanese Translation Services by our Expert Business Translators

December 29, 2013

For many companies, a business card is the first written document that a potential client will receive from them, so it is essential that it will be free of errors.

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Estonian Business Translation Services

December 26, 2013

Tomedes is often asked to translate tender documents and our most recent example was the translation of a technology tender from Estonian to English.

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